ABACO 40 Designer Comments
Conceived as a stylish but practical day cruiser with accommodation for occasional longer ventures, the Abaco 40 finds favour with those who want fine sea keeping and performance in a boat with classic aesthetics.
The hull configuration, which utilizes broad chine flats aft on a modified deep vee form was first proven in a 39 footer built by Bruckmann in 1994. The hull type gets on a level plane at 12 knots and is extremely fuel efficient from the mid teens on up. Stability and an easy ride and motion are also characteristic of this form. The Abaco 40 is powered by a single Cummins 670 HP diesel and cruises in the low 20 knot range with a top speed of approx. 30 knots. The single propeller and rudder are protected by a skeg which also aids this hull type's well known excellent tracking ability. The Abaco 40 is also available in twin engine pod drive form with a top speed in the high 30's.
Given the purpose of the design, the accommodation length given over to the cockpit and salon/bridge deck is intentionally large. The facing settees in the salon are convertible to berths should that be necessary and the large cockpit seats provide a fine platform for putting one's feet up while reading in the shelter of the pilot house roof overhang. The seats, as in a sailboat cockpit, also provide plenty of stowage space. If a fishing or open cockpit is required, these seats can be eliminated. The machinery space located under the salon is accessed by large hatches in the sole and from forward by raising the steps that lead below. The ample galley on the port side has excellent air and light, being open overhead to the pilothouse windshield. The head and shower compartments are located to starboard, forward of the helm station. A vee berth cabin with bureau, hanging locker' and 'aircraft lockers' are forward. An island double can be substituted for the v-berth.
The Abaco 40 is being built on a limited series basis by Bruckmann Yachts of Mississauga, Ontario. The hull and deck are of foam cored FRP construction. The Bruckmann yard has built an enviable reputation for attention to construction and system details as well as aesthetic sense in fit and finish. As in other projects, that ability combined with the use of modern design with good classic styling have produced a boat of real appeal to the knowledgeable boater.
Mark Ellis Design Ltd.